Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy 3 Month Birthday

 What a month it has been .....

* I celebrated my First Christmas - 
what is the deal with that Santa guy anyway?
* I rang in a New Year .. 
although I think my Big Sister could 
do the count down better than that Dick Clark guy
* I go to Physical Therapy every week for something called 
torticolis - a fancy name for the fact that I favor the right 
side but we are working on it and its improving
* I smile and coo all the time 
* I love to talk to my animal friends on my activity mat
* I kick and kick on my changing table - 
it's my time for my leg work out
* Eating is still my favorite past time
* I am in 3-6 months clothes ... 
Mommy swears I am growing by the minute
The biggest event this month is that I started daycare!!!
* I am in the same room my Big Sister was in 3 years ago 
and it has gone pretty well
* I have been dubbed a happy and easy baby - 
Ellie my teacher even told Mommy she wished
 all the babies were like me!  =)
* I only go 3 days and I will happily spend the other 2 days home with Mommy - although I think she is happier about this part time thing then I am 

Well I think it's been quite the month ... 
wonder what next month will bring!!


  1. Auntie & Uncle B & TwinksJanuary 13, 2010 at 3:30 PM

    Oh Ryan we LOVE you so much pumpkin!!!! xoxoxxo

  2. Aunt Jill says Can't believe how big Ryan is getting. Glad to hear that your first few days at day care went well. Nice to know that big sister is so close by too. Great photos.

  3. What can happen next Month????.... how about a Vikings/Jets game....any bets Mike.... great pictures.
